fluid experience

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Acefog describes the experience of confusion or uncertainty surrounding one’s asexual identity. This can occur when asexual individuals struggle to understand or accept their lack of sexual attraction, often due to external pressures or misconceptions about asexuality. The term acknowledges that not all experiences within the asexual spectrum are clear or easily defined, and that […]

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Aceflux is a term for individuals whose experience of asexuality varies over time. This means that their levels of sexual attraction can shift between feeling completely asexual to experiencing moments of mild or sporadic sexual attraction. These shifts can happen gradually or suddenly and may last from hours to weeks or even months. Aceflux acknowledges

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Genderfae (also known as Genderdoe, Genderthell or Genderthil) is a form of genderfluidity in which an individual’s gender identity never encompasses male, masculine, or masculine-aligned genders. Instead, Genderfae individuals are fluid between any range of feminine genders, unaligned genders, neutral genders, or even genderlessness. This identity allows for the exploration of various non-masculine identities, embracing

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Parafluid refers to individuals whose gender identity shifts between multiple identities within the paragender spectrum. Paragender describes people who feel a partial connection to certain genders but do not fully identify with any of them. When combined with fluidity, this means that their gender identity fluctuates between these partially-connected identities, creating a fluid experience of

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